Friday, 14 March 2008

This is "being real thing" going to far? Bishop Weeks

This guy is classically know for "being real", but is this excuse for his obvious lust problems acceptable as a "Bishop"? Why is no one correcting this man, in the error of his ways?

The bible says that in the last days men will make sin to be an acceptable thing. We are seeing the climatization of sin in the church right before our very eyes.

Jude 4
For certain men whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are godless men, who change the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.


Anonymous said...

You picked a really interesting place to CUT THE VIDEO. Do you suppose it's possible that his father talked him out of his booty call and reminded him what's important? And shouldn't we all celebrate that repentance?

Clearly he got married at some point and he's doing it God's way. Why do you need to come down on him? Are you upset because he's not pretending to be perfect?

Back to your whitewashed cave.

Darnell said...

Head in my hand...just had to take my hand of my head to mention it...

And they were clapping and nodding...

Anonymous said...

First off Daz, he has no respect for his mum. Why you gonna talk dirty like that in front of your momma, dude? Secondly, he is already disqualified for ministry from the SECOND that twisted thought entered his mind and he dwelt on it. Thirdly, and if I can remember correctly, he was "separated" at the time, so doesn't that contravene 1 Timothy 2 and Titus 1? Fourthly, did he just admit to masturbating in that video or did I just mishear? He needs to sort himself out and get out of the pulpit

Anonymous said...

On tv Perry Stone spoke about the fact that the Bishop needs to step down from the pulpit & remove the title of Bishop from in front of his name because he's twice divorced & now doing the internet dating thing to find wife number 3 & the bible clearly states in 1st Tim chapt 3 the qualifications which Mr Weeks clearly falls short of

Anonymous said...
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