Monday, 29 October 2007

John Hagee a heretic?

I've been doing some videos on youtube lately on Law and Grace and i've been exhorting people to be careful and aware of satans devices. Many are being decieved and falling away from grace and making Christ's death on the cross to non-effect to themselves.

This is the path many will end up on. :(

Galatians 2:15"We who are Jews by birth and not 'Gentile sinners' 16know that a man is not justified by observing the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ. So we, too, have put our faith in Christ Jesus that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by observing the law, because by observing the law no one will be justified.

Tuesday, 23 October 2007

Sunday, 21 October 2007

Giving vs Tithing

What does the bible say about giving? What about Tithing? What is Tithing?
These are a few questions that we will look at and see what the bible has to say about the subjects.

The word tithe means tenth or 10 percent of anything. It is used in the bible many times predominantly in the Old Testament, and mentioned a few times in the new testament also. Many Christians practice tithing as a form of giving to the local church. I believe that tithing is not applicable to today’s Christians.

Let’s look at the origination of the tithe. The first time we see the tithe used is by Abraham to Melcheziedeck. In Genesis 14:18 after Abraham had gone to war, on his return after having a victory he had taken the spoils of the war. Notice Mechezieck blesses Abraham before; Abraham gives him a tenth of the spoils. This is the first time we see the tithe and the only time we see the tithe before the law of Moses was established. Now the laws of Moses included tithing as apart of the law. The people where compelled to tithe according to the law. However, Abraham is seen tithing to Melcheziedeck before the law was introduced. Many people used this example to affirm that tithing was used before the law, during the law and therefore must continue after the law. This mind of think is wrong. There are many things practiced before the law, for example, burnt offerings, and animal sacrifices. These were practiced before the law, during the law, however, we do not continue to practice it after the law.

Melchezedeck was a form of Christ and it is very unique that Abraham gave a tithe to him, not fully understanding who Melchiezeck was. We will pick up Melchezedeck and Abraham a little later on …

Lets look at the tithe in the law of Moses. There are many references to the practice of the tithe and also many different tithes. In Lev 27:30-33 …
If we look in the Old Testament law we will see that the tithe was always used as something grown from the ground or animal. Some people believe that in our day and age we can substitute this as money. Let us look at why this is incorrect. In Deut 14:22 …
This is a tithe that God is telling the people to EAT! Eat my tithe? This is unheard of today. Today we would call this eating our seed. God tells the people to exchange there tithe into money, if the distance is far (this is to prevent the produce from spoiling, since they could be travelling for days sometimes) and them repurchase produce when they reach the destination which God has sent them to.

Then in Vs 28 we see another tithe, the third year tithe … here we see God sing the tithe to take care of the needy. Levites (who had no inheritance, and to be provided for by the people), Orphans, widows, strangers. Simply put those who cannot help themselves. In … vs … the bible says “religion …. Blameless….orphans…

Deut 26:12 … third year tithe.

The tithe had a purpose, and was a means of providing for those who could not provide for themselves.

Now one of the most common scriptures concerning the tithe in the old testament is in Malachi 3:10 …

This is where we see God now rebuking people for failing to bring in the tithe as he had established in his law. He accuses them of robbing him.

God says “so there may be FOOD in my house” (Nehemiah 10:38). This is literal food.

Now what I want to point out to you is the phrase “windows of heaven”. The phrase “windows of heaven” is found in the bible fives times. The first time we see this is in Gen 7, when God destroys the earth by a flood. In verse 11 it says, ….
This is used as a terminology for rain. Some translations say “floodgates” this gives the emphasis of “much rain”.

We also see it in 2 Kings 7 (Elijah has the windows of heaven closed)

The last time we see this term used is then in Malachi 3:10. Now if we bear in mind that the tithe was used as crops, we will understand that there must have been a drought. God was not saying, “if you tithe I will prevent these things form happening”, the things he mentions in Malachi where already happened. There windows of heaven where closed, they crops where being devoured by pests (possible locust) there vines where casting there fruit before their time. This was desolate times, because they had stopped tithing as the law had commanded them to. Now God is saying return to me and I will return to you. If the children of Israel would return to obeying Gods laws, then he would return to them and rebuke the devourers of there crops, prevent there vines from casting there fruit prematurely and bring an abundance of rain on there crops for a great harvest that there will not be room enough to receive there harvests of crops.

God also says that nations will call them blessed for they will be a delightful land. This would be based on the produce of there land at the time.

If we try to put the tithe in monetary terms, how can we have no room to receive money? In this day and age there is no such thing as not having room enough to receive money. Im sure that every tither will tell you they have plenty room left.

The tithe was never meant to be money, buy food. This is very clear when scripture references are used correctly. If the tithe was ment to be money, then why would god tell them to sell there produce (if the distance to travel was to far) for money, but when they reach there destination to repurchase food with money and eat.
1 Tim 1:5-7 …
The tithe is a teaching of the law and many are confidently affirming it. God does not need money get his gospel out, he need people with mouths. Jesus himself had no place to lay his head, he told his disciples to take nothing with them when they entered a town, but to trust God to provide. Many have been deceived that God needs millions to get the gospel out to this world.

In the old testament the people where governed by written laws and commands. Love is what motivates us in the new testament and we practice grace giving. Grace giving is motivated by love, while law giving is motivated by leagalism and fear. The bible says “perfect love cast out fear”. We give to help those in need.

Now you may still say “I believe in the tithe”. If you still do, then I challenge you in this.

Practice the tithe as it is in the bible.

Use it for what it was used in the old testament. Are you using your tithe to support Levite priests? Orphans? Widows? Strangers?

If you are going to tithe, then you must practice what the bible says is a tithe. However, if you practice any part of the law you are guilt of breaking it if you do not practice the entire law.


What does the New Testament say about tithing? We see the tithe mentioned very few times in the New Testament, mainly by Jesus. However, he used the example of the tithe while rebuking Pharisees. In Matt 23:23 … Tithe mint, dill, cumin…
We see the tithe here as herbs. Not as money. Jesus is rebuking them for focusing on the smallest part of the law (straining a knat) yet they swallow a camel. Is this not the same thing happening today? Some churches will go as far as excluding members of there congregation from activities or refusing to help them when in need because there records shows an inconsistency of tithing or they have no record at all. At worst, some leaders will through congregation members out of the church for not tithing or for sharing with others the truth on the subject.

Luke 11:42 … pharasiee in temple… im not like this sinner…

The most important scripture referring to the tithe in the new testament in Hebrew 7. Here we pick up again on Araham and Melcheziedeck. Hebrews 7:1 … the law required the levitical priests (desendents of levi). Emphasis is firstly on “the law”. Secondly the tithe was to be paid to the levite priests, and could not be received by anyone. This is the only way that the tithe was seen as valid. Therefore, today we cannot tithe to a pastor.

(explain rest of scripture here)

Acts 4:32 this should be the mindset of the New Testament church. Helping with our brothers and sisters and those in need. Those who where rich help those who where poor and the people where equal. The Apostles received money from the rich and gave it back to those who lacked. They never held it for themselves.

Today Pastors own multimillion properties, while some members of there congregations have no where to live.

Now this scripture is scary. Gal 3:10 … (those who do parts of the law are cursed) Therefore, when we partake in some parts of the laws of Moses yet do not do the entire law are put ourselves under unnecessary curses as the scripture says. Also the bible says in Gal 5:4 … (fallen away from grace) we remove ourselves from the grace that Christ made available to us by trying to receive Gods blessing by works of the law and to obtain favour of God. If God desires to bless us he will, and it is simply that HIS WILL. This is how Jesus taught us to pray. God is more interested in you helping those in need then you sending 10% of your income to a church. God desires cheerful givers not legalism. Let God begin to use you as a blessing to those around you.

Thursday, 18 October 2007

Paula White's desperate moment!! (audio link below)

Written by Paul Edwards (

Televangelist Paula White was a recent guest on my radio program in Detroit. She and her husband of 18 years, Randy White, announced in August that they would be divorcing and yet continuing their respective ministries: Randy as Senior Pastor of Church Without Walls in Tampa, Florida and Paula as an itinerant evangelist and “Life Coach.”
For most of the 30 minutes we talked I challenged her on her theology, as revealed in her latest book “You’re All That!,” as well as her divorce. I asked her to justify statements made by members of her church that her divorce would have no impact whatsoever on its ministry. How is that possible, I asked? How is it possible that two high profile ministers could conclude that their own relationship was so damaged that divorce was the only solution, and yet believe themselves spiritually fit to continue their ministries? She had no concrete answers, and so she concluded our 30 minute conversation this way:
“And while we’re talking about painful, difficult situations, with all due respect, I understand “let’s get the elephant out of the room,” we’ve taken 30 minutes on divorce. But I don’t understand why not an interviewer or a believer as yourself has not asked me how my daughter, who has a death sentence, with third and fourth stage cancer, how she’s doing now.”
I sat stunned for a moment; stunned because I didn’t know, but more shocked that she would use a family tragedy to make me look like a terrible person simply because I challenged her theology and lifestyle.
What pray tell, does her daughter’s illness have to do with answering questions about her divorce and her humanistic theology? Is Paula White above criticism because she has a terminally ill daughter?
The larger question is: if her daughter’s illness is so serious as to warrant her not having to answer questions about her very public divorce and her very abberant theology, why is Paula White on an eight city book tour while her daughter lay dying? During our conversation she boarded a plane for Detroit for a book signing the next day.
The fact is, “her” daughter is not her daughter at all. “Her” daughter is actually her estranged husband Randy’s daughter from a previous marriage. “Her” daughter is an adult, not a child. She led me and my audience to believe that she had a young child at home dying of cancer. Paula White played the sympathy card when it became apparent she had lost the sympathy of the audience on the issues she was asked to address.
Paula White is a well managed image worth millions of dollars. Behind that image is a real person, a wounded and broken human being, who lives in fear of being exposed. Paula White revealed how broken she is when she used her dying daughter as a desperate cover to protect at all costs her well managed image. She needs our prayers as much as her daughter.

Listen to the complete interview here.

Friday, 12 October 2007

Prophecy to false prophets and teachers

Prophecy to false prophets and teachers. This is the word of the Lord!

Monday, 1 October 2007

Share a testimony

Hey guys, I would like to give this opportunity for you to testify of what God has done in your life, be it recently or in the past. Let God get the glory and a brother/sister be encouraged.

God bless you all. Daz

The gift of Tongues

The first time we see the use of the supernatural gift of tongues is on the day of Pentecost in the book of Acts. In Acts 2:4 And they where filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.

In this verse we see the disciples speaking “with other tongues”, but what exactly is other tongues? To understand fully what actually happened on the day of Pentecost, we need to look at the following verses. Acts 2:5 And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven. 6 Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language.

If we read on to verse11 we get more detail on the various languages spoken by the disciples. So we can conclude that on the day of Pentecost the “other tongues” which the disciples spoke was indeed other languages, spoken and understood by men.
Another very important reference to tongues is seen in 1 Corinthians 12. Paul teaches us about spiritual gifts, including the gift of speaking in diverse kinds of tongues and also the interpretation of tongues. These spiritual gifts are from the Holy Spirit and given to the body of Christ as he wills (vs 11).
The Holy Spirit is the decider of who gets what gifts and how many. Although we cannot choose which gifts we operate in, we are encouraged to desire the spiritual gifts (vs 31, chp14:1).

Do all Christians have the gift of speaking in tongues? Many Christians believe that in order to show the evidence of the Holy Spirit in a believers life, he or she must speak in tongues. Many churches will call a new believer to a pray line and begin laying hands on them and encourage them to speaking tongues by faith.

The bible is clear that we all do not have the gift of tongues. In vs 12 Paul asks the Corinthians these rhetorical questions. “Have all the gifts of healing? do all speak with tongues? do all interpret?

The conclusion therefore is that all believers do not have the gift of tongues.

There is often the question asked “Are there more then one type of tongues?” I believe there are two kinds of tongues. Lets look deeper into the scriptures on this matter.

We have already looked at the tongues spoken by the disciples on the day of Pentecost, which is clearly a tongue of men. The bible calls it “other tongues” or “other languages”.
Also 1 Corinthians 13:1 says “though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. This seems to distinguish two kinds of tongues, those which are understood by men (as in Acts 2) and those of angels (a heavenly language).

For more clarity on this, we need to look at Paul’s letter to the Corinthians on the subject of tongues. 1 Corinthians 14:2 For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries.

Paul is clearly saying that “unknown tongues” are not understood by men and that the speaker speaks mysteries in the spirit which only God understands (vs 27,28). So this must be a different kind of tongue than what was spoken o the day of Pentecost. The events that took place on the day of Pentecost was the fulfilment of a prophecy spoken by the prophet Joel, and was specific to Jewish nation.

The tongues which Paul speaks of is the gift of the spirit as spoken of in 1 Corinthians 12.

So what is the purpose of tongues today and what relevance to they have to the body of Christ? Tongues are a gift to be used in edifying the church (as all other gifts), but tongues can only edify the church when used in conjunction with the gift of interpretation of tongues (chp 12:10, 14:5-19).

The gift of tongues must be exercised in order (chp 14:33) and accordance with scripture. Paul addresses order for the use of tongues in chapter 14:27,28 If any man speak in an unknown tongue, let it be by two, or at the most by three, and that by course; and let one interpret. 28 But if there be no interpreter, let him keep silence in the church; and let him speak to himself, and to God.

Paul explains clearly the correct use of the gift of tongues, focusing on order and the best way to benefit everyone with the gift. This is the guide to be followed by those who exercise this spiritual gift, so that all may be edified and there be no confusion in the church.